Weaving in a Circle on a Pizza Pan

Weaving in a Circle on a Pizza Pan

Weaving has made QUITE the trendy comeback in the past few years, hasn’t it? I’m always game to try out different craft techniques, but my weaving had been limited to a couple of simple basket projects. That is, until I spotted this perforated pizza pan at the thrift. And I wondered…could I use it for weaving in a circle to create a wall hanging?

perforated pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Now, bear with me- I know that probably sounds crazy! But the symmetrical pattern of the perforations reminded me of spokes…which made me think of warping a circular loom.

pizza pan with holes

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Yes, it seemed awfully pricey for a thrifted pizza pan. But I loved the muted gold color and decided that I didn’t need to paint it, which saved me a step.

And since I had picked up several partial-skeins of yarn on my last trip to Reconsidered Goods, I had plenty of supplies to try my hand at weaving.

scrap yarn at reconsidered goods

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

What was the worst that could happen? I waste some time and some yarn? I was feeling determined and hopeful, and decided to give my idea a try.

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DIY Loom from a Perforated Pizza Pan

Because I was, by my own admission, a complete weaving novice, I treated myself to a weaving book. I had also purchased some narrow twine from my trip to Reconsidered Goods, so that I could warp the pan.

weaving books for diy loom

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

To warp the pan (i.e., make a DIY loom with it), I planned on creating spokes from the center hole to each outermost hole. So, I did my best to measure how much warping string I’d need.

In other words, I measured the length between the holes (center to outer edge), doubled it (to account for front and back), and then multiplied that by the number of spokes I would create on the pan.

Then, I cut off my length of twine (adding about a foot for insurance) and taped one end to the back of the pan (leaving a 4” tail). Then, I used an embroidery needle to pull the warping string through the center/outermost holes to create spokes.

warping a loom

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

When I was done, I removed the tape and tied the tales together- PERFECT! Now I had a DIY loom, so I gathered my collection of yarn to begin weaving in a circle.

diy loom on a pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I’d also purchased some scrap yarn from Etsy, as well as some new skeins from craft stores.

I didn’t have a plan for the order in which I’d use my yarn. So, I started with some of the narrowest/skinniest that I had and began to weave around the center of my loom.

weaving in a circle

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Weaving in a Circle

I started by coming up through one of the holes on the back of the pan to start weaving. I also made sure to leave a tail of yarn several inches long in back of the pan.

circular weave on a diy loom

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

From there, it was just simple over/under weaving! And I didn’t even need a comb to push the stitches down. Pulling the yarn taut-ish (while holding the tail in back of the pan) kept my woven circle relatively tight and close together.

Next, I continued weaving in a circle with different yarns in different (but coordinating) shades of cream, dark blue, and tan.

circle weaving on a pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Admission time! Weaving purists know that a circular loom requires an uneven number of “spokes” in order for uninterrupted over/under weaving. But this pizza pan had an even number of holes and thus spokes.

So, occasionally my weaving had to be under/under/over to accommodate that. But, honestly, I didn’t really care because of how pretty it was turning out!

modern boho weaving

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

I used chunkier yarn as I moved outwards, and continued to alternate colors and shades. It was SO dimensional, which I failed to capture adequately in my photos.

circular weave

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

And I continued to add in new yarn from the back, leaving tails to tie to other yarn tails. I didn’t mind one bit that the back wasn’t pretty, either- as I planned to cover it in felt!

circular weaving loom

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Weaving in a Circle on a Pizza Pan

When I reached the very outermost set of holes, I stopped weaving. Instead, I used some chenille yarn to back stitch around the outer perimeter, which effectively covered over the holes!

woven wall hanging

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

That backstitching almost looks woven, doesn’t it? Either way, I am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with how it turned out! I honestly could not be happier with my woven wall hanging.

weaving in a circle on a pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

So, tell me what you think. Is it completely weird to upcycle a pizza pan into a circular loom? Or is it actually super cool and unique??

Obviously, I’m completely biased and think it’s fabulous! And when I tell you that the pictures don’t do it justice, please believe me- I wish you I could show you it in person!

weaving in a circle on a pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.


Speaking of fabulous, today is Thrift Store Decor Team Day which means my blogging friends have been upcycling, too! Check out what they’ve been working on recently.

thrift store crafts and makeover ideas

1. Wooden Bench Seat MakeoverMy Repurposed Life

2. Summer Purse Upcycled WreathHouse of Hawthornes

3. Weaving in a Circle on a Pizza PanSadie Seasongoods

4. Repurposed Cabinet Door Flower DisplayPetticoat Junktion

5. DIY Faux Concrete Bunny RabbitOur Southern Home

6. Mid Century Modern Table Nightstand MakeoverOrganized Clutter

7. Vertical Herb GardenShop at Blu

8.. DIY Oval Mirror FrameDomestically Speaking


Also, as it turns out, I was able to figure out that my gold pizza pan is actually from Williams Sonoma! So, maybe that explains the hefty thrift store price?

Anyway, I bought another pizza pan (new, from Williams Sonoma) and created a mismatched but coordinated pair of these to hang in our eclectic living room. I mean, I had plenty of yarn leftover, so…

eclectic living room decor with circular weaving

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

If you loved this upcycling idea for our home, continue on the dark-blue-and-gold theme with me for this upcycled planter from a…PLASTIC FOLGERS COFFEE CANISTER!

turning a coffee can into a boho planter

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

Craft on!


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modern boho weaving on a pizza pan

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.


pizza pan weaving

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.

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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. You win the gold start for the month! I absolutely LOVE this idea. We need wall art at the lake airbnb and this would be perfect. I’ve never tried weaving like this. Thanks for the instructions!

  2. Wow what a clever idea! Love the colors and texture!

  3. That is so cute and boho-ish! Love the colors you chose also.

  4. This is gorgeous! I not only love your color combination, but the warm texture of the yarn against the cool metal backdrop is stunning! I love what you created. One of the most original projects I’ve seen in a while.


    Your super vision continues to yield super results.

  6. Edie Wendland says

    Very nice indeed.

  7. This is so unique. I wonder if it would work as a trivet? If backed with either a felt backing or corkboard there’d be enough to allow such use.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Hmm, I don’t know the answer to that, Jane! I am such a fan of my wine cork trivet, though- I’ve used it for years and just love it!

  8. So creative! It reminds me of a geode rock.

  9. Wow! Sarah, that project is awesome. I’ve never woven anything before-never even thought of it. You’re so clever and creative!
    sharing on pinterest and twitter!

  10. Beautiful and so creative. Thank you so much for a great inspiration idea.

  11. This is such a clever and cool idea. I want to try it!

  12. Awesome! You did a wonderful job! Your use of the increasing textures is wonderful. I had to take a weaving art course while an OT major back in the early 70’s. THAT’S where I got my appreciation for color; how they blend together fascinates me to this day!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you so very much, Kathy. I absolutely loved working on this project- I’d probably really enjoy a weaving course, too!

  13. I absolutely love this creative idea! My mind is whirling with the possibilities. Thank you for sharing!

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