Every year around this time, I slow down and reflect on how the year shaped up for me (business-blog-wise). This year, in particular, is special because my website turns 10 years old at the end of December. Which means I’ve been upcycling and working on these thrift store crafts for an entire decade now!
What a wonderfully weird and rewarding road it has been. What started as a hobby where I knew NOTHING about running a website is now a full-time job and has been for a few years now.
So, I hope you don’t mind if I look back at a few of my favorite projects and blog posts over the year- from my own blog and the other blogs that participate in the Thrift Store Decor Team. (The TSDT is the group of fellow upcycling bloggers that I share on the second Wednesday of each month.)
Anyway, throughout 2023, Jon (my husband) and I continued to slowly fill our home and wall space with thrifted/vintage treasures that we’ve collected. I chronicled our latest finds earlier this year with this post.
I hope to continue updating you on our progress, with either a third installment about our acquired treasures or a room reveal (or two). As silly as it sounds, but room-size photography is outside of my wheelhouse and I don’t have the right camera lens for it. Sure, I could use my phone, but a real camera (and wide-angle lens) would make a huge difference. And I’m very particular about the quality of photos that I share on my website…
Even though I didn’t mention or announce it earlier, I also joined a blogging mastermind group this year that allows me to publish posts/articles on MSN’s homepage! Basically, I’ve been cranking out a lot of small “round-up” posts, a few of which I’ve sent to you. Like this post on upcycling ideas for vintage silver plate.
This same mastermind group syndicates each others’ posts, as well. Some of the posts are about crafting and decorating, but others are about gardening, home improvement, and larger-scale DIY projects. I’m not the author of these posts, but I have explicit permission from the authors to republish them here on my blog. A few that may interest you include:
- 10 Ways to Bring Biophilic Design into Your Home
- Craft Ideas for Relaxation
- An Upcycler’s Guide to Furniture Paint
- 10 Hanging Plants to Add Style and Texture to Your Home
- Tips for Thrifting Like a Pro
- 7 High-Impact DIY Home Projects that are Surprisingly Easy
I’ll continue to syndicate these kinds of posts into next year, as well as publishing more content for MSN. Needless to say, 2023 was a VERY busy growth year for me as I see how far I can go with this blogging career.
But anyway, let’s take a look at some of my favorite projects from over the year.
Favorite Upcycle Projects
It’s always hard for me to narrow down favorite projects of mine- for a variety of reasons. But this planter, made from a plastic Folgers coffee tub, might take that coveted first place spot in my mind.
Not only did I love the final result and playing with a new-to-me craft supply, but I really do love working with something from the recycle bin. Or in this particular case, something recyclable that isn’t accepted in our local recycling stream! So, there’s a real feel-good aspect to a project like this.
This repurposed thrift store art was another project that brought me joy. Not only was the original piece/frame just so unique and eye-catching, but once again, I got to try a new-to-me supply to bring the “after” to life.
Of course, I’m still figuring out the perfect place to hang this permanently. I’m SO DECISIVE about everything else in life except where to hang wall art, LOL. For some reason, I have real commitment issues when it comes to that.
A year can’t go by without me working on at least one coastal-inspired project, right? Must be my marine biology degree peeking out! And this year, I gave these wooden candleholders a seaside-inspired makeover that was a reader favorite.
And while I did make a couple of different door wreaths this year, it was this indoor “wreath” that was everyone’s (and my) favorite. We have a non-descript hall closet that is in a small alcove with the door facing the hallway- and this succulent wreath hangs there now.
Ok- enough of just my projects! Here’s a bunch of thrift store crafts and other upcycle ideas from the entire Thrift Store Decor Team.
Thrift Store Crafts from the Thrift Store Decor Team
So many amazing projects, right? Here, let me show you some of my favorites from the team members.
Upcycling Inspiration and Thrift Store Crafts
The Thrift Store Decor Team isn’t just a group of nameless faces to me- they’re like my remote co-workers, in a way. So I definitely want to spotlight some of my favorite posts of theirs from this year, as well.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip down memory lane with me- and that you’re armed with all sorts of crafty inspiration going into 2024. I do have a quasi-announcement for my subscribers: I’m switching out my current email program at the beginning of the new year. So, the emails you receive from me will look a little different (in a few weeks, once everything is set up).
But I’ll be able to send newsletter emails that are more than just a “New Post!” blast. I promise, though, not to write to you too often or send too many emails. The frequency that you’ve been comfortable with over the past 10 years isn’t going to change, just my ability to personalize the notes more.
So wish me luck learning a new program! I don’t like tech changes but I’ve really outgrown my current email system and it’s definitely time to upgrade.
Happy Holidays to you and yours, from myself and the entire Thrift Store Decor Team!
Petticoat Junktion Sadie Seasongoods My Repurposed Life
Domestically Speaking Our Southern Home House of Hawthornes
Shop at Blu My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia Organized Clutter
Craft On!
Want to be notified when I publish my next upcycling project tutorial?
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Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.
Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.
Such great ideas from 2023! You really have some fabulous thrift stores in your area. Love your mid-century style. Pinned!
Thanks, Christy!
Thank you for all your inspiration. I am a thrift store junkie and learning ideas from you has opened up a whole new world in my shopping adventures. Congratulations on 10 years and good luck on the new email system.
Thank you SO much, Debra!
I love the jewelry display done with the cutlery tray!!
Would it be inappropriate for me to show you what I did with a bamboo cutlery tray? My husband has a set of “Anri North American Waterfowl” and they were difficult to display so that each of the 26 my birds could be seen. I painted a watery/reed background on the inside of the tray and left the rest of the tray natural.
Thanks, Sandra! And you’re always welcome to email me photos!