This is one of those ideas that has been rattling around in my head for a while, and I’ve finally set aside time to give it a go. See, last year, I repurposed an old drawer into a potting bench and endeavored to recreate the look of an old fruit crate with wood stain. It was at that moment that I wondered if I could upcycle some old drawers (of a slightly different shape) into rustic wooden crates for easy farmhouse decor.Read more ›
Cat Toy Storage in a Vintage Wooden Crate
July 28, 2015 · By · 63 Comments

Even though we don’t have kids, Jon and I realized we really needed to focus on toy storage. Specifically, though, cat toy storage. Because our boys are VERY spoiled and have a ridiculous number of kitty toys that get strewn around on a regular basis.Read more ›