Once again, I’ve gone a couple of months since checking in with you on my weight loss journey. I sincerely apologize for the long periods of silence on my end…but I *do* love the large chunks of weight that disappear in between! Previously, I alluded to a curve ball that had been thrown my way – and I can finally talk about that, too. But first…let’s revel in the fact that I’ve lost a total of 20 pounds!Read more ›
Secondhand Slim Down: Twelve Pounds Gone!

I know it’s been a while since my last weight loss check in – in fact, two months have passed! And I was going to publish a blog post when I hit the 10-pound loss milestone, but an exciting curve ball came my way.Read more ›
Secondhand Slim Down – Losing the First Five Pounds

I know it’s been several weeks since I last checked in on my weight loss journey and secondhand slim down. The honest truth? I didn’t have much to report! I haven’t fallen off the gym wagon at all, but progress has been slow. However, I’ve officially lost 5 pounds which seemed like the perfect benchmark to blog about!Read more ›
Secondhand Slim Down – My Reasons to Lose Weight

It’s hard to believe that I haven’t blogged about my weight loss journey in more than three weeks! But I’m back today to give an update on my progress. In my first secondhand slim down post, I talked about the “What” (my desire to lose weight), and my second talked about the “How” (my weight loss plan). And this post will dig deeper into the “Why”, or my reasons to lose weight.Read more ›
My Weight Loss Journey – The Announcement

For many years now, I’ve been blogging here at Sadie Seasongoods about my love of secondhand shopping and upcycling projects. But, I’ve come to a crossroads in my life that has to do with something very personal and not something I typically ever address: my weight and my health. And even though my blog is has been completely focused on upcycling ideas for thrifted or vintage treasures, I want my weight loss journey to fit in with my blog’s tagline: