Years and years ago, I made a set of icicle ornaments with some vintage glass beads that I’d gotten on Etsy. But for whatever reason, I never posted the tutorial here on my website! So, I got them out of storage with the rest of my Christmas decor this year…took some fresh photos…and am FINALLY adding the project to my blog today.Read more ›
Decorating a Flocked Wreath with Vintage Ornaments

After recently sharing a Halloween project from the Sadie Archives, I reached back in and found a Christmas project to share! This project with a flocked wreath never made it onto the blog, despite finishing it nearly 10 years ago. And you know what? The time has finally come.Read more ›
Weaving Bobbins as Spindle Ornaments

Because Greenville, SC (where I used to live) was historically a textile town, the relics of those old fabric mills are found in every vintage shop around. And repurposing those relics is a favorite pastime- including these weaving bobbins (Pirns? Quills? I’ve seen them called all sorts of things) that I found. Because they were on the smaller side, I decided to turn them into spindle ornaments for our Christmas tree!Read more ›