To this day, some of my favorite Christmas decorations include my waterless snowglobes. I am a total sucker for anything miniature. Which means that vintage Christmas in miniature is kind of a double whammy for my heart. And when I spotted this cheese dome at the thrift store, I knew it was destined for a similar idea.
Wooden Sled Decor with Sweater Mittens

I had been on the hunt for a vintage sled for a long time. But every time I found one, the price was just a little too high for me to pull the trigger. Finally, FINALLY I found one in rural Georgia that would work perfectly as wooden sled decor, and I knew exactly how I wanted to achieve that.Read more ›
DIY Waterless Snow Globe in a Vintage Glass Jar

A few years ago, I made a series of waterless snow globes. A trendy retailer had advertised their version for an uppity price, prompting me to try and recreate them myself. And let me tell you, an obsession was born! So, I decided to make a new DIY waterless snow globe so that I could share with you how I made them. Read more ›
Weaving Bobbins as Spindle Ornaments

Because Greenville, SC (where I used to live) was historically a textile town, the relics of those old fabric mills are found in every vintage shop around. And repurposing those relics is a favorite pastime- including these weaving bobbins (Pirns? Quills? I’ve seen them called all sorts of things) that I found. Because they were on the smaller side, I decided to turn them into spindle ornaments for our Christmas tree!Read more ›
Christmas Truck Decor

Boy, it’s hard to find an affordable vintage toy truck nowadays. Maybe it’s always been difficult, but it’s especially hard these days when everyone wants some red truck decor in their Christmas decorations. So, when I finally found one I could afford, I accepted that it was broken/incomplete and knew I could fix it up into the Christmas truck decor of my dreams.Read more ›
Wooden Bottle Crate as a Wooden Ornament Stand

If you ever find yourself in our house during the month of December, you’ll quickly realize that I love vintage Christmas decorations. From Shiny Brite ornaments, to Putz houses, to old sleigh bells on cracked leather straps- I love it all. And making a project to display some of my vintage ornaments (an ornament stand, if you will) from a wooden bottle crate has been on my to-do list for a while. Read more ›