We have a lot of birds that frequent our yard. We offer multiple bird feeders, bird baths, and bird houses (many of which are upcycling projects of mine), and I wanted to make a new one for them. Bird nesting material is something I wanted to make plentiful for them, and I had an idea of just how to do it.Read more ›
DIY Garden Signs from Grill Forks

Ok- I will fully admit that this is a truly zany idea of mine! There I was at the thrift store, looking for inspiration on the shelves. I was going to move aside this grill fork when it dawned on me that the barbecue fork could BE the inspiration I was looking for. What if I transformed it as part of some DIY garden signs? In other words, what if I used it as a stake instead of for steak?Read more ›
Log Cabin Birdhouse from a Vintage Coin Bank

It’s been a while since I created a bird project for our yard. So, I decided to combine this year’s Log Cabin theme with an outdoors project. Since we always have nesting wrens and chickadees at our house, I had a log cabin birdhouse idea that I just couldn’t shake.Read more ›