I lived in various parts (and on both coasts) of South Florida for many years. And in all that time period, I’d only traveled to Jacksonville a handful of times- and it was always for work-related trips. So when I had the opportunity to spend a little more time there in search of the best antique and thrift stores in Jacksonville, I jumped at the chance.Read more ›
My Best Thrifting Tips

Over my years as an upcycling blogger, I’ve been asked to give thrifting tips on more than one occasion. And I always try to give insightful advice or suggestions when I answer. But the truth is this: successful thrifting is never guaranteed, no matter how many tips and tricks you read about or try. Like gambling, there is a lot of chance and luck involved. But there are ways to improve your odds of having more scores and better hauls when you go thrifting. These thrifting tips may not be revolutionary to some, but they’re good reminders before your next secondhand shopping adventure.
Tips for Thrifting Like a Pro and Scoring The Best Deals

Thrifting is no longer something that only your grandmother and frugal fashionistas do. Nowadays, it’s a great way to save money on quality clothing and other treasures. Celebrity endorsements have also made it more popular, with artists like Macklemore singing about thrift shops.Read more ›
Thrift Store Home Decor (Part 2)

Last June, I put together a blog post that showcased all of the thrift store home decor that we had acquired for our new home. If you recall, I’d talked about how our decor style/taste had changed drastically. And when we built a new house in the Charlotte area, we were virtually starting from scratch when it came to furnishing it.Read more ›
Antique and Thrift Stores in Fort Myers

It’s been a long time since I traveled so far from home for one of my Junkin’ Journey trips. Recently, though, I had to make an emergency trip to Fort Myers, Florida (where my parents live) while my father was hospitalized. Thankfully, he’s on the mend and recovering, but it was a very heavy, worrisome time (as you can likely imagine).Read more ›
Lake House Decor from the Thrift Store

Welcome to the latest installment in my “Thrift the Look” series! As you might recall, this is a blog post where I take an inspiration photo from a magazine and recreate it as best I can using thrift store treasures and minimal DIY. And this time around, the style is Lake House Decor.Read more ›