Every now and then, I choose to work on a project based on a crafting technique, as opposed to a really unique upcycling idea. And this, my friends, is one of those projects! You see, I’d been looking for a way to try out alcohol ink or alcohol paint for a long time. And I decided that trying out alcohol ink paint on glass pumpkins (or other round glass) might result in some gorgeous fall decor.Read more ›
Alcohol Ink Paint on Glass Pumpkins

Categorized: Autumn, Create · Tagged: autumn, autumn craft, autumn decor, autumn ideas, autumn project, autumn repurpose, autumn upcycle, DIY Fall, DIY pumpkin, fall, fall craft, Fall decor, fall ideas, fall project, Fall repurpose, fall upcycle, glass paint, painted glass, painting glass, pumpkin, pumpkin craft project, repurpose autumn, repurpose pumpkin, repurpose Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving craft, Thanksgiving decor, upcycle autumn, upcycle pumpkin, upcycle Thanksgiving