Tabletop Christmas trees are one of my favorite kinds of holiday decorations. While I certainly appreciate a big tree full of ornaments and lights, I’m always drawn more towards a smaller version. Whether it’s the “mini” aspect that wins me over (because I *DO* love anything mini) or just the ease of dealing with a smaller tree, they’re simply easy to love. Plus, there are all sorts of ways to create your own tabletop tree using any number of things from the thrift store.Read more ›
Neutral Christmas Decor with a Receipt Spike

Truth be told, I originally published this blog post in December of 2014. But, I doubt that most of my longest subscribers and readers would even remember it! So, when I recently unearthed them in a moving box at our new house, I decided to republish this post about a receipt spike and how I transformed it into a little Christmas tree. Read more ›
Upcycled Version of a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

I’ve always wanted to upcycle a banana hanger. What a funny-sounding thing to say, I know! But they are SO common at thrift stores- I just needed the right project idea. But as the holidays started creeping up, I wondered if I could transform one into a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
30+ Upcycling Ideas for Alternative Christmas Trees

In the world of upcycling, there are two fundamental truths. Anything round (or round-ish) can become a pumpkin and anything triangular can become a Christmas tree. And as much as I love real pumpkins and real Christmas trees, I also love unique versions such as the alternative Christmas trees that I’ve gathered for your inspiration.Read more ›
Chamberstick as a Christmas Candy Dish

Truth be told, I didn’t know the word “chamberstick” before this project and blog post came about. You see, I stumbled up one, and then another chamberstick in the span of a single weekend- at two different thrift stores. I purchased them both thinking that I would figure out a project for these “old time-y candlesticks with handles” (which is what I Googled). Read more ›
Nordic Christmas Tree from a Coffee Cup Tree

There I was at the Goodwill Outlet (aka, “The Bins”), staring at a coffee cup tree. It was on top of the pile, likely tossed there by someone who scoffed at its missing arm. But me? I grabbed it…broken treasures are my favorite finds. And this coffee mug holder for a Christmas project. My plan? To transform it into a Nordic Christmas tree for a fun, minimalist change of pace.Read more ›
Christmas Craft Project with Serger Thread Cones

If you live in or have traveled to the Carolinas, then you may know that this area has a long history in textiles. The mills still dot the landscape, with one in nearly every town. Some are dilapidated, some just empty, and some of have been converted into new commercial/residential use. Relics of that textile mill history (such as serger thread cones) are found in nearly every antique and thrift store in the region.Read more ›
Christmas Tree Lantern from a Camper Jack

A friend of mine was cleaning out her barn when she asked me, “Could you do anything with this?”. She was holding a camper jack, and all I could think was that it reminded me of a Christmas tree.
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