Over the years, I’ve procured several blue ball mason jars, particularly those with air bubbles inside the glass. I’m such a sucker for old aqua jars with their vibrant color and crusty zinc lids. So, I decided to upcycle a few of my own into coastal decor or “Beach in a Jar” with seashells and beach treasures I had collected over the years.
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Beach in a Jar

DIY Herb Drying Rack from a Repurposed Picture Frame

I love to upcycle items that are SUPER common at thrift stores, and picture frames fall into that category. There are endless options and the price point is (usually) ideal. This time around, I decided to create a DIY herb drying rack that is perfect to use with your fresh garden herbs!Read more ›
Driftwood Wreath for Coastal Decor this Summer

Up until 2009, I’d always lived near a shoreline- half my life along the shores of Lake Michigan, and half my life bouncing between the Gulf and the Atlantic in Florida. My fondest beach memories are those of the windswept, deserted beaches in Southwest Michigan that were filled with beach glass and pieces of driftwood. And to celebrate those memories, I decided to make a driftwood wreath for our front door this summer.