Botanical Decor from the Thrift Store

Botanical Decor from the Thrift Store

With a new season comes a new opportunity to Thrift the Look for another style of home decor. And as Spring approached, my blogging friends and I decided that Botanical Decor or Garden-inspired Decor would be fresh and perfect for this time of year.Read more ›

Painted Tray in Spring Pastel Colors

Painted Tray in Spring Pastel Colors

Now that I’m doing the right thing and staying home, I can’t breeze by a thrift store for project inspiration. Instead, I went “garage shopping” and decided that this rectangular wooden tray was ripe for upcycling. I needed a relaxing activity to calm my nerves and thought that painting it might be just the ticket.Read more ›

Artificial Topiary Trees in Vintage Candlesticks

Artificial Topiary Trees in Vintage Candlesticks

Do you ever spot something at a thrift store, see the price, and start laughing maniacally to yourself because the thrift shop is crazy? Crazy for thinking someone will pay the price on the tag? Well, that happened to me when I spied these vintage candlesticks. I left them on the shelf for some other sucker to overpay for, but they haunted me. Whispering to me to upcycle them into bases for artificial topiary trees…

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Spring Decor with Old Milk Bottles

Spring Decor with Old Milk Bottles

When my County stopped recycling glass, I became a more mindful consumer. But as much as I tried to avoid glass containers, I was intrigued by a certain brand of soup. I thought the glass bottle looked like one of those old milk bottles. And I wondered if I could upcycle it with milk tops into Spring decor?Read more ›

Upcycling Ideas for Spring Home Decor

Upcycling Ideas for Spring Home Decor

Even though Autumn is far and away my favorite season, I always reach a point each winter where all I can think about is Spring, Spring, Spring! And friends, that time has once again arrived. To usher in its colorful and sweetly scented arrival, I wanted to collect some Spring home decor ideas and Spring crafts to share with you.Read more ›

Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

For this month’s Thrift Store Decor Team project, I decided to make some outdoor Spring decorations. Mild weather is settling in nicely around here, and I wanted to celebrate that with a fun and easy project that would bring fresh color to the porch. I found a garden harvest basket at a thrift store and decided that I’d use it to celebrate Spring.Read more ›

Easter Door Decorations with an Easter Basket Wreath

Easter Door Decorations with an Easter Basket Wreath

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you are all-too-familiar with my Junkin’ Journey series. In that series, I travel to towns across the South in search of wonderful treasures and shops to explore. On my most recent adventure to Durham, North Carolina, I found this hanging door basket at a quaint little thrift shop. And right away, I knew it was meant for Easter door decorations. Specifically as an Easter basket wreath!Read more ›

Decorating with Hobnail Milk Glass for Easter

Decorating with Hobnail Milk Glass for Easter

Hobnail milk glass is one of those things that you can actually find in thrift stores from time to time. Some people collect it, but plenty do not…and while I don’t snap up every piece I see, I couldn’t help myself with this oblong dish that I recently found.Read more ›

Bird Nest Decor on a Metal Candle Holder

Bird Nest Decor on a Metal Candle Holder

I don’t know about you, but Spring is front and center in my mind. The trees are budding, the daffodils are in full bloom, and even my husband’s allergies have kicked in. So, I’m kicking off the season with a fun and SUPER simple spring project idea. A few months ago, I snagged this metal candle holder from Goodwill and knew immediately that I would repurpose as bird nest decor for Spring.
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Whimsical Decor on a Vintage Window

Whimsical Decor on a Vintage Window

Whenever I’m in a creativity funk, I head into my garage or Craft Room to do some tidying up and rearranging. Why? Because I usually unearth something long forgotten and it’s the shot in the arm that I need to get back in the proverbial (crafting) saddle! And that’s how I decided to upcycle this vintage window into some whimsical decor to celebrate Spring.Read more ›