I absolutely love coming up with new upcycling ideas and repurposed projects for Halloween decor. And this time, I was inspired by the one and only Harry Potter. I had found this vintage spice rack and wanted to transform it into a set of magic potion bottles. Read more ›
Magic Potion Bottles for Halloween

Categorized: Create, Halloween · Tagged: DIY Halloween, DIY halloween decor, easy Halloween craft, easy Halloween decor, easy Halloween project, glass bottles, glass jars, Halloween, Halloween bottle, Halloween bottles, Halloween craft, Halloween craft project, halloween decor, Halloween DIY, Halloween DIY project, Halloween labels, Halloween project, Halloween repurpose, Halloween upcycle, repurpose Halloween, repurpose spice jar, repurpose spice rack, spice bottle, spice bottles, spice jar, spice rack, spice rack DIY, upcycle Halloween, upcycle spice jar, upcycle spice rack, vintage spice rack