Recycled Crafts from Your Trash Can and Recycling Bin

Recycled Crafts from Your Trash Can and Recycling Bin

Our recycling bins and trash cans are full of potential when it comes to recycled crafts. When I wrote this in 2020, most of us were stuck at home and in need of activities to keep us occupied. So, I put together this fun collection of craft ideas from waste materials; some of them come from the recyclables, and others from stuff we’d throw away.
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Light Bulb Cages as Christmas Luminaries

Light Bulb Cages as Christmas Luminaries

Light bulb cages have been pretty popular- both authentically vintage and modern reproductions- for a few years now. Designed to protect factory or ship workers from exploding glass bulbs, they are found in funky antique shops, but in fewer and fewer numbers.  I’ve been lucky enough to find a few of them in my day, and I had this idea to upcycle them into Christmas luminaries .Read more ›