Many years ago, I was working on a new Junkin’ Journey blog post when I rolled up to a thrift store with an overflowing dumpster. Everything at the dumpster was considered unsellable, and my eyes fixed on a vintage chair that was leaning askew. Ironically, I’d been trying to come up with an an idea for an upcycled scarf organizer. And I wondered if the broken chair might be just what I needed to make that happen.Read more ›
Upcycling Ideas for Silver Plate

Most thrift stores are positively littered with the remnants of wedding registries from days gone by. In particular, stacks of silver plate (not to be confused with stamped sterling silver) are a pretty common sight at secondhand shops. Trays, platters, bread baskets, pitchers- there are just scads of it available at thrift shops, varying in price and quality. Thankfully, today’s crafters are finding fresh ways to repurpose those silver-plated items into new and exciting projects.Read more ›
Outdoor Serving Tray with Boho Summer Style

When it comes to thrifting, I’m usually like a heat-seeking missile when it comes to anything made of wood. But that means that I sometimes miss out on other upcycling opportunities. And when I spotted a ton of silverplate pieces while at Habitat ReStore recently, I decided to grab something from the pile. We’d recently acquired a new patio set from a friend of mine and I thought I could make an outdoor serving tray to use with it.Read more ›
Silver Candelabra as a Jewelry Tree Stand

I’ve upcycled a LOT of thrift store finds into jewelry storage and organization projects over the years. Probably because I have such an affinity for vintage costume jewelry. Give me flashy rhinestones over diamonds any day of the week! And while most of my jewelry organizers have been “quirky”, none of them would be considered “elegant”. That is, until I found a silver candelabra at the thrift store and decided to repurpose it into a jewelry tree stand.