Upcycling and Decorating with Scarves

Upcycling and Decorating with Scarves

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a big fan of scarves. Wearing them…trying new knots…and even upcycling them into projects. From winter scarves to silky/flowy versions, I’ve amassed quite a personal collection. And every time I step into the thrift store, I see loads of them for sale- including bandanas and handkerchiefs. So, if you’ve got a few that you no longer wear but want to use them in alternative ways, then this collection of inspiring ideas is exactly what you need.Read more ›

Upcycling Ideas for Accessories

Upcycling Ideas for Accessories

Accessories- things like bags, belts, shoes, and scarves- are an unlimited source of creativity when it comes to getting dressed and perfecting an outfit. But they are also an amazing source of upcycling potential, from creating new wearables to reusing them in unexpected and clever ways. Here are some great examples of how to upcycle accessories, either your own or thrifted finds.Read more ›

Ideas for Upcycling Clothes

Ideas for Upcycling Clothes

One of the most common and well-stocked sections in thrift stores is the clothing department. As a society, we go through clothing at an untenable pace, mostly because it’s cheap and poorly made. And while we used to be able to dump it all at thrift stores, that convenience is rapidly changing due to current world events. With so many thrifts no longer accepting textile donations, I thought you might be looking for ideas for upcycling clothes.Read more ›

Plaid Throw Blanket from Wool Scarves

Plaid Throw Blanket from Wool Scarves

In the fall and winter, I love, love, love having a throw blanket (or a few) laying around. They function for both cozy snuggles AND cozy decor, especially a plaid throw blanket. And I recently decided that the easiest way to make one was to upcycle some of the wool scarves that I found at few thrift stores.

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DIY Suncatchers from Vintage Scarves

DIY Suncatchers from Vintage Scarves

Back when I made my Aromatherapy Eye Pillows from vintage scarves, I had mentioned that my good friend, Kate DiNatale Vintage, had given me a bag of vintage scarves that she couldn’t sell. As I pawed through them, I noticed that some of them reminded me of faux stained glass. So, I decided to upcycle them into DIY suncatchers for windows that I hoped would stop birds from flying into our windows.Read more ›

Upcycling a Vintage Scarf as a Lavender Eye Pillow for Self Care

Upcycling a Vintage Scarf as a Lavender Eye Pillow for Self Care

As a woman who suffers from frequent headaches, both migraine and sinus pressure, a lavender eye pillow is a must-have in my bedside table. I’ve had the same one for years, made from silky satin with just the perfect amount of weight for my eyes. Making my own version was never on my crafting to-do list until Kate DiNatale Vintage gifted me with a bag full of vintage scarves that were too blemished to sell. They had minor tears or stains…making them perfect candidates for repurposing.Read more ›

Make Your Own Necklace with Scarf Material

Make Your Own Necklace with Scarf Material

I am a hardcore scarf person; once the weather cools down, a long flowy number becomes my best friend and go-to accessory. And while I love a vintage scarf, they are often damaged and flawed, making them perfect for upcycling projects. So, I decided to make a chunky necklace with the scarf material from this pretty floral scarf that I recently found.Read more ›