Even though I am busy-busy-busy working on projects for my book, I couldn’t let the season go by without making at least one pumpkin project! And for this one, I went “garage shopping”, and came across this set of wooden bowls. I set aside the smaller ones for my book, and decided that the large wooden bowl might be perfect as a cake dome (and pumpkin centerpiece).Read more ›
Beginner Embroidery on a Vintage Feed Sack

All of my vintage-loving friends have a special affinity for old linens. Whether it’s cute embroidered hand towels, pretty crocheted doilies, or colorfully kitsch tablecloths, we always paw through them in shops. The same goes for old grain, feed, and flour sacks- cotton, linen, or burlap, we just seem to love them all. I first spied this project by Cathe Holden in Country Living magazine; and was desperate to try some beginner embroidery on a vintage feed sack.Read more ›