I think we can all agree that my mind works in mysterious ways- sometimes it’s a great thing (when a project works out!) and sometimes it’s bothersome (when a project fails). But once again, there I was in a thrift store, looking at everything through Sadie-colored glasses. And one of the things I spotted was this countertop wine rack that was unexciting but full of potential. As I studied the small wine rack, my mind started to see it as a DIY ribbon holder. Read more ›
Ribbon Organizer from a Wooden Candelabra

How many times have I found something interesting at a thrift store…brought it home…repurposed it for my blog…and then realized I didn’t know what to call it? I’ll answer that for you- LOTS AND LOTS OF TIMES. And so we have this thrift store find: a wooden candle stand or perhaps a wooden candelabra. Regardless of proper name, though, I knew right away I wanted it to become a ribbon organizer.Read more ›
Craft Ribbon Storage with a Hanging Paper Towel Holder

So here I am again with something that can barely be called a “craft”. BUT, all of us DIYers and crafters need a little help in the Craft Room Organization struggle, right? And this form of craft ribbon storage is just the trick we all need.Read more ›