When I spotted this round basket on the top shelf at a thrift store, I couldn’t grab it fast enough. It seemed like the perfect wall pocket to turn into a succulent hanger for our home. Which, in fact, was something I had been hoping to make.Read more ›
Tailgating at Home with a Stadium-Inspired Snack Basket

This, my friends, is as much of an upcycling idea as it is a fun new announcement. I’ve partnered with a favorite thrift store, the Charlotte Region ReStore(s), to create a monthly project for them! And to kick off this new partnership, I created a stadium-inspired basket for tailgating at home!Read more ›
Basket Wall Decor with Bohemian Design

A quick perusal on Pinterest (and DEFINITELY on Instagram) will show you just how popular Boho decor still is. And more specifically, that basket wall decor is a pretty common theme in Bohemian design. So, of course, I wanted to get in on the fun with a thrifted version that had some Sadie style flair.
Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

For this month’s Thrift Store Decor Team project, I decided to make some outdoor Spring decorations. Mild weather is settling in nicely around here, and I wanted to celebrate that with a fun and easy project that would bring fresh color to the porch. I found a garden harvest basket at a thrift store and decided that I’d use it to celebrate Spring.Read more ›
Vintage Picnic Basket as Storage for Christmas Magazines

This, my friends, is what I like to call a “Post-Christmas Christmas Project”, if that makes any sense. It all started with this vintage picnic basket that I found on a thrift store shelf. I thought it had the cutest shape (like a small suitcase) and I chuckled over how dainty it seemed- compared to normal picnic baskets. It was, in fact, not much larger than a magazine (length- and width-wise, not depth-wise). And that’s when I decided it would be PERFECT for my endless collection of Christmas magazines.
Berry Baskets as Bookends and Strawberry Decor

To tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure why I picked up these berry baskets while thrifting a while back. I didn’t have a project idea in mind and the thrift store had written the price on the side of one of the baskets (the horror!). BUT, I decided they were worth the risk and eventually an upcycling idea came to me: I’d transform them into bookends!Read more ›
Fake Firecrackers from Cardboard Tubes

I’ll be perfectly honest- in the months leading up to summer, I struggled to come up with a single patriotic project idea. I bemoaned this to everyone- my husband, my friends, and my mom. But it all changed on a dime when I went to a new favorite thrift store and found this star basket for a dollar. I knew right away that I could jazz it up into Independence Day decorations with some fake firecrackers!Read more ›
Halloween Candy Basket

I developed this project by accident. I was in my local Goodwill with a specific project idea in mind, and headed to the shelf in Housewares where I thought I could find what I needed. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Goodwill had secretly moved things around and put their selection of baskets in that spot instead! And from that sea of beige, this little white basket all but jumped out at me! I couldn’t help but see it as a Halloween candy basket, so I snatched it up.