Fondue has always been one of those things that seems great in theory but isn’t usually worth the effort in the end. Which is probably why so many fondue pieces end up at thrift stores! So, when I spotted one set of fondue forks after another, I knew it was time to repurpose a few.Read more ›
Fondue Forks as Plant Labels

Categorized: Create, Yard & Garden · Tagged: herb labels, herb markers, plant labels, plant markers, repurpose kitchen tool, upcycle kitchen tool
Upcycling Crafts for Garden Markers or Plant Labels

Let’s face it- most gardeners don’t actually need to use some sort of garden markers or plant labels in their garden. They know what they planted and plant tags seem a little unnecessary. But, there are tons of upcycling crafts for various garden markers and they look AWFULLY cute in your garden! Read more ›
Categorized: Themed Round-Ups, Yard & Garden · Tagged: DIY garden, DIY garden decor, DIY herb garden, garden art, garden craft, garden decor, garden decorating, garden DIY, garden gift, garden label, garden labels, garden markers, garden project, garden repurpose, garden sign, garden signs, garden upcycle, gardening craft, gardening DIY, gardening project, herb labels, herb markers, plant label, plant labels, plant markers, repurposed herb marker, upcycled herb marker