The picture frame section at a thrift store is something I never pass up without a thorough inspection. Not only do I sometimes find unusual or eye-catching art for our home, but there are often interesting frames that can be repurposed into something completely new. Sometimes the repurpose is simple- used as a frame for other prints or photos. But there are also some really clever ways to repurpose and upcycle those picture frames in entirely new and unexpected ways.Read more ›
30+ Ideas for Upcycled Picture Frames

Few things in life are certain, but this one is: step into any thrift store in any town, and you will find a plethora of picture frames. Why so many end up donated to thrifts, I’ll never know. But the good news is that there are tons of ideas for upcycled picture frames out there.Read more ›
Framing Maps in Antique Oval Picture Frames

A couple of months ago, I posted a photo on my Sadie Seasongoods Facebook page. It was a project I had worked on a year ago, before I had even started my blog. The response to me framing maps in oval picture frames was was overwhelmingly good. So, I knew I was onto something and decided to create new ones so that I could share it as a project tutorial here on my blog.Read more ›
Vintage Gallery Wall

I fell in love with the idea of a vintage gallery wall filled with empty frames; particularly, those vintage picture frames and old painting frames that were ornate, antique, and unusual. So I decided to make my own version of empty frame decor by collecting the frames and upcycling a few with spray paint.