Upcycled jewelry or making some one-of-a-kind jewelry for myself is something I absolutely love to do. Whether I make some repurposed jewelry out of random items from around the house or from broken jewelry, I love it all the same.Read more ›
Steampunk Necklace from a Vintage Pulley

When I found these vintage pulleys at an antiques store in, I knew right away they were meant to be used in jewelry making. I had a vision in my mind of a steampunk necklace, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually make it happen. Read more ›
Spoon Jewelry with Vintage Cameos

Once upon a time, I was on one of my junkin’ journeys when I came across an amazing selection of vintage cameos. They were “new old stock”, meaning they had never been used and were begging to be used in a jewelry project. Read more ›