I’ve been an avid collector of antique bottles for many years now. But in all those years of hunting down my collection, I never once picked up any amber glass bottles. My eyes went straight for the aqua and green bottles, and now I’m kicking myself for passing them by. Because they are positively PERFECT to use in fall decorating. Read more ›
Spring Decor with Old Milk Bottles

When my County stopped recycling glass, I became a more mindful consumer. But as much as I tried to avoid glass containers, I was intrigued by a certain brand of soup. I thought the glass bottle looked like one of those old milk bottles. And I wondered if I could upcycle it with milk tops into Spring decor?Read more ›
Fishing Floats from Thrift Store Vases

Many years ago, I published this project for glass fishing floats by upcycling some vases and bowls from the thrift store. But in the years since, the craft product I used to make these fishing floats went off the market. So, I decided to start from scratch with an even better craft paint to create a new set. Read more ›
Painting Glass Vases with Terracotta Spray Paint

If you’ve ever wondered how to spray paint glass or were curious about a spray paint for glass that looks like terracotta, then this upcycling idea and tutorial is for you! I’m testing out some the terracotta spray paint by Rustoleum to see if I can create realistic terracotta decor from clear glass vases.Read more ›
Demijohn Vase from an Empty Wine Bottle

Since my county no longer recycles glass, the last thing I planned on buying from the thrift store was an empty wine bottle. But this particular glass bottle was an unusual shape and seemed ideal for upcycling. It made me think of a demijohn bottle that you might see French country decor. So, repurposing it into a demijohn vase seemed like its decorative destiny.
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Alcohol Ink Paint on Glass Pumpkins

Every now and then, I choose to work on a project based on a crafting technique, as opposed to a really unique upcycling idea. And this, my friends, is one of those projects! You see, I’d been looking for a way to try out alcohol ink or alcohol paint for a long time. And I decided that trying out alcohol ink paint on glass pumpkins (or other round glass) might result in some gorgeous fall decor.Read more ›