As glass recycling disappears across the country, wine and other glass bottles end up in the trash instead. And it’s such a terrible feeling to throw out something that can be easily recycled- or repurposed, craft-wise. So, whether you’re in that predicament or not and simply want some inspiration for painted wine bottles, then you’ve come to the right place. These glass bottle crafts will definitely have you thinking about new ways to reuse all the bottles and jars that end up in your bins, that’s for sure.Read more ›
Faking a Cloisonne Vase

Florist vases are a staple at most thrift stores, aren’t they? On one of my thrifting excursions (many, many months ago), I came across a shelf that was exploding with them. And for whatever reason, I started wondering if they could be painted to look like a Cloisonne vase.
Glass Bottle Crafts and Upcycling Ideas

I’m sure you’ve heard me mention it countless times, but glass recycling is no longer available where I live. While we’ve adjusted our shopping habits to accommodate this, it’s not always easy to avoid glass bottles and jars. Which means I am ALWAYS looking thinking up glass bottle crafts and ideas to upcycle the glass in our recycling bin.
Fishing Floats from Thrift Store Vases

Many years ago, I published this project for glass fishing floats by upcycling some vases and bowls from the thrift store. But in the years since, the craft product I used to make these fishing floats went off the market. So, I decided to start from scratch with an even better craft paint to create a new set. Read more ›
Painting Glass Vases with Terracotta Spray Paint

If you’ve ever wondered how to spray paint glass or were curious about a spray paint for glass that looks like terracotta, then this upcycling idea and tutorial is for you! I’m testing out some the terracotta spray paint by Rustoleum to see if I can create realistic terracotta decor from clear glass vases.Read more ›
Alcohol Ink Paint on Glass Pumpkins

Every now and then, I choose to work on a project based on a crafting technique, as opposed to a really unique upcycling idea. And this, my friends, is one of those projects! You see, I’d been looking for a way to try out alcohol ink or alcohol paint for a long time. And I decided that trying out alcohol ink paint on glass pumpkins (or other round glass) might result in some gorgeous fall decor.Read more ›