Ornaments are a favorite craft project to work on as Christmas approaches. There are so many items you can upcycle into DIY Christmas ornaments, and an ornament party is a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends and family. Here are some sweet and whimsical upcycle ideas for handmade ornaments using items from the thrift store or tucked away in a drawer or cabinet in your own home.Read more ›
For the Love of Shiny Brite Ornaments

Just about every vintage-collector I know has one thing in common: they all have a soft spot in their hearts for Shiny Brite ornaments. Perhaps they just love all things vintage Christmas, but they always have a special affinity for Shiny Brites. And I, of course, fall into that same adoring category, as well!Read more ›
Wooden Spindle Ornaments from a Coffee Mug Tree

Last year, I upcycled a coffee mug tree into a tabletop Christmas tree. At the time, I had set aside the remaining “arms” or wood spindles for another project. Well, I’m happy to say that I’m FINALLY upcycling those coffee mug tree arms now. And I’m turning them into wooden spindle ornaments !Read more ›
Mason Jar Lid Ornaments with Vintage Christmas Wrapping Paper

A few years ago, I made these DIY Wreath Ornaments using the bands from canning jars after I bought a set of mason jars to use as drinking glasses. I had no intention of making another kind of mason jar lid ornaments, but then thrifting fate intervened. Earlier this year, I came across a bag of canning jar lids, in various sizes, colors, and brands, and I couldn’t bear to leave it behind. Read more ›
Loose Leaf Tea Strainers as Christmas Ornaments

Over my thrifting and vintage-shopping adventures, I had accumulated a handful of loose lea tea strainers in different shapes and sizes. For whatever reason, I couldn’t stop buying them, especially when I’d spot one that was yet a different shape.Read more ›
Wooden Bottle Crate as a Wooden Ornament Stand

If you ever find yourself in our house during the month of December, you’ll quickly realize that I love vintage Christmas decorations. From Shiny Brite ornaments, to Putz houses, to old sleigh bells on cracked leather straps- I love it all. And making a project to display some of my vintage ornaments (an ornament stand, if you will) from a wooden bottle crate has been on my to-do list for a while. Read more ›