Each year as Christmas rolls around, I get all excited about coming up with a new DIY ornament project. And this year, I decided to play around with paper coasters. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? Well, I wondered if they could be paired with wood ornaments into something fun for the tree.Read more ›
Wooden Spindle Ornaments from a Coffee Mug Tree

Last year, I upcycled a coffee mug tree into a tabletop Christmas tree. At the time, I had set aside the remaining “arms” or wood spindles for another project. Well, I’m happy to say that I’m FINALLY upcycling those coffee mug tree arms now. And I’m turning them into wooden spindle ornaments !Read more ›
Exotic Christmas Ornaments from Florentine Coasters

Vintage Florentine pieces are pretty common at antiques shops- you know what I’m talking about, right? The gold painted pieces like trays, jewelry boxes, etc.? Well, for years I’ve admired Florentine coasters and always secretly thought about turning them into Christmas ornaments. I just couldn’t bear the thought of purchasing a perfectly good, full-priced set and doing that. Read more ›
Mason Jar Lid Ornaments with Vintage Christmas Wrapping Paper

A few years ago, I made these DIY Wreath Ornaments using the bands from canning jars after I bought a set of mason jars to use as drinking glasses. I had no intention of making another kind of mason jar lid ornaments, but then thrifting fate intervened. Earlier this year, I came across a bag of canning jar lids, in various sizes, colors, and brands, and I couldn’t bear to leave it behind. Read more ›
Loose Leaf Tea Strainers as Christmas Ornaments

Over my thrifting and vintage-shopping adventures, I had accumulated a handful of loose lea tea strainers in different shapes and sizes. For whatever reason, I couldn’t stop buying them, especially when I’d spot one that was yet a different shape.Read more ›
Mini Christmas Wreaths from Mason Jar Lids

Mason jar lids are an ideal craft project material, aren’t they? I frequently find the lids and bands at thrift stores, and crafting with them is always fun! This bag of lids was a great find on one of my thrifting adventures and I knew they’d be perfect for upcycling into a few types of ornaments, including mini Christmas wreaths.
Weaving Bobbins as Spindle Ornaments

Because Greenville, SC (where I used to live) was historically a textile town, the relics of those old fabric mills are found in every vintage shop around. And repurposing those relics is a favorite pastime- including these weaving bobbins (Pirns? Quills? I’ve seen them called all sorts of things) that I found. Because they were on the smaller side, I decided to turn them into spindle ornaments for our Christmas tree!Read more ›
Mint Tins as Christmas Ornaments that Look Like Vintage Luggage

Vintage luggage covered in travel stickers is about iconic as it gets for me in the world of vintage decor. In the spirit of Christmas-ornament-making during this time of year, I decided to create my own vintage suitcases that could be hung on my tree. And to do this, I decided to upcycle some Altoids tins or mint tins to make it happen!
Snow Ornaments from Clear Ornament Balls

By now, just about all of us have tried the glitter-on-the-inside ornaments. It’s a great craft idea for clear ornaments from the craft store, as it is wonderfully easy and inexpensive. Well, I decided to apply the same principles but with slightly different media- in this case, coarse salt! I wondered if I could create snow ornaments, like little snowballs hanging on a tree.Read more ›