For several years, I’ve wanted to upcycle some of the Reader’s Digest books that I often see at the thrifts. The ones from the ’50s and ’60s have these gorgeous patterned covers that are little works of art. So, I finally put a few to good use as book decor by pairing them up with some old photographs.Read more ›
Boho Decor from the Thrift Store

Boho decor (or Bohemian style decor) is hot and trendy right now. From bright colors to purposeful clutter (or maximalism), it feels, in many ways, to be a direct response to the neutral, pale palette of modern farmhouse. In this “Thrift the Look” challenge, my blogging friends and I decided to take on boho room decor, and I am SO EXCITED to share it with you.Read more ›
Upcycling Ideas for Old Books and Other Book Crafts

What to do with old books – upcycle or leave alone? It can be a controversial topic (the repurposing of books) and one I’ve grappled with myself. I am a casual collector of vintage books, particularly the ones with crumbling leather binding, and I use them around our home for decorative purposes. But other books are considered less “visually valuable”, so I’m always interested in finding new upcycling ideas for old books.