Creating a doily table runner has been on my to-do list for as long as I can remember. I always assumed I’d create one in whites and neutrals, as most doilies come in varying shades of cream. But then I started buying the occasional colorful doily- pinks, blues, yellows, greens. That’s when I decided to create a Spring table runner to show off those colorful vintage doilies.Read more ›
Doily Table Runner for Spring Decor

Categorized: Create, Sewing · Tagged: DIY Spring, DIY spring decor, doilies, Doily, doily craft, doily display, doily project, how to display doilies, repurpose doilies, repurpose doily, Spring, spring craft, spring decor, Spring decorating, spring project, table runner, upcycle doilies, upcycle doily