Back in the summer when I first thrifted this steamer pot insert, I intended on making something Christmas-y with it. The strainer holes reminded me of a Christmas tree, after all. But the holiday season came and went before I could get to it! So, I decided to revamp my idea of tree embroidery on it as January decor instead.Read more ›
Winter Decorating Ideas from the Thrift Store

After I posted my Halloween mantel and received such positive feedback, I decided to do more decorating posts moving forward. Our current house is more amenable to that- more space, better natural light, etc. I ran out of time to do a Christmas mantel, so I’m moving right into winter decorating ideas instead.Read more ›
Winter Cabin Decor

“Thrift the Look” is one of my favorite challenges that I do as a blogger. If you’re new to my blog, then “Thrift the Look” is when I take a gorgeous photo of a home decor style and recreate it with items from the thrift store and upcycling when necessary. Today, the theme is Cabin decor; but more specifically for me, I’m working on decor for a winter cabin with a touch of rustic chic.Read more ›
Christmas and Winter Home Decor with Nesting Baskets

Earlier this year, long before I was even THINKING about holiday projects, I found this set of nesting baskets that looked like Christmas trees. As I mulled over different makeover ideas, I realized they could be used as Christmas decor in December, but continue on into the New Year as winter home decor, as well.Read more ›
Wooden Sled Decor for Winter Decorating

When I spotted this decorative sled at Goodwill, the calendar read May and our southern summer was beginning to rear its ugly, sweaty head. I tossed it in my cart and filed it away as a Christmas project for later that year. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Christmas came and went, and the sled was still collecting dust in my garage. That’s when I decided to ditch the red and green for icy blue and silver, and to transform it as wooden sled decor for winter decorating!Read more ›
30+ Upcycling Ideas for Non-Christmas Winter Decorations

Decorating your home after Christmas can be a struggle. At first glance, a winter aesthetic seems barren and uninviting, which can seep into your home decor. But, I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of winter home decor ideas and non-Christmas winter decorations that are gorgeous and give you that cozy feeling of “hygge”.