Houseplants have taken over home decor trends in recent years. Plants add texture and color to a space, and there are many ways to decorate with them. Indoor hanging plants provide even more options for displaying and enjoying greenery throughout your home.Read more ›
Outdoor Planters That Enhance Your Space

Regarding outdoor planters, one has many choices for a suitable vessel. First, consider what colors compliment your existing decor.
What functionality are you looking for? You may need something to hang on a vertical wall or rest on the floor or a plant stand. Do you want something that suspends from the ceiling, such as a macramé hanger?
Some people like weird and unusual ideas for their yards. Are you an environmentalist who prefers reusing items instead of buying new planters? Continue reading to learn more about what might work best for you and your plants.Read more ›
Hanging Herb Baskets from Lampshade Frames

Lampshades are a pretty common item at thrift stores, in every size and shape you can imagine. So, I felt a compelling need to come up with an upcycling idea for them, starting with these small lamp shades that I found at Goodwill. I had this niggling feeling that lampshade frames could be repurposed into herb hanging baskets for a vertical herb planter.
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