Believe it or not, but a lot of fantastic Halloween craft ideas originate from thrift store finds. From baskets to light fixtures, ceiling fan blades to books, thrift shops are full of future spooky projects. And if you need a little inspiration before the eeriest (and best?!) holiday of the year, then you’ve come to the right place.Read more ›
Milk Glass Vases as Halloween Ghosts

Earlier this year, I published a St. Patrick’s Day project here on my website that involved (temporarily) decorating vintage milk glass vases. I wasn’t sure how well it would be received- but boy, was I oh-so-pleasantly surprised! So, of course, I started wondering if I could do something similar in Fall. More specifically, what if I turned a few milk glass vases into Halloween ghosts?Read more ›
Halloween Embroidery on an Upcycled Sweater

After wrapping up my Halloween pillows project recently, I was reminded of an o-l-d project of mine from several years ago. That project and blog post (some Halloween embroidery on a thrifted sweater) needed tweaking- including re-editing the photos and such, so I removed it from my website. But after seeing how similar my jack-o-lantern pillow looked to it, I decided it was high time to re-publish that long-forgotten Halloween project post.Read more ›
Halloween Crafts to Upcycle

The thrift store is full of items that are just waiting to be upcycled into something spooky. From baskets to light fixtures to ceramic figurines, any number of Halloween crafts can start on a thrift store shelf. So, if you’re in need of some spooky inspiration, check out these upcycled Halloween projects before your next trip to the thrift shop.Read more ›
Halloween Cookie Cutters as Needle Felting Supplies

I can’t recall when or how I first heard about the craft of needle felting. But it is a technique that I’ve admired for a while and wanted to try out. A friend of mine told me that the easiest way to learn was to use cookie cutters as needle felting supplies for shaping the wool. So, when I thrifted these Halloween cookie cutters, I knew it was time to try out felting wool once and for all!Read more ›
Plastic Pumpkins as Primitive Halloween Decor with Rust Effect Paint

I have to admit, on certain junk or antique pieces, I like the look of rust more than actually dealing with rust. Sometimes, the chipping and the flaking of real rust is too much for me to deal with, especially indoors. So, when I had a chance to try out the Rust Effect Paint by Modern Masters, I jumped at the chance! Right off the bat, I knew I wanted to try it on the plastic pumpkins and pumpkin candy buckets that crowd the thrift store shelves. Read more ›
Candy Corn Decorations from Thread Cones

In my neck of the woods (the Carolinas), relics of old industrial textile mills are common at vintage stores and thrift shops. So, it’s no surprise that I run across these types of thread cones at one secondhand store after another. I’ve already repurposed some for a Christmas project, but this time, I decided to upcycle a few into candy corn decorations.Read more ›
Haunted House Decor from a House Shaped Picture Frame

When I first spotted this house shaped picture frame at Goodwill, it had been casually left in a basket of scarves and belts, as if the originally buyer had changed their mind. And as soon as I saw it, I thought, “Oh, look- a haunted house picture frame!”. But upon further inspection, I realized it was just in the shape of a Victorian house.
Making a Halloween Spell Book from an Old Yearbook

There are a LOT of tutorials for a Harry Potter-inspired Halloween Spell Book out there. But, I’ve wanted to create my own versions for a while now. It wasn’t until I found a couple of old yearbooks while thrifting that an idea took root. Their textured leatherette covers and embossed designs REALLY seemed destined to become a Book of Spells or even steampunk books, perfect for Halloween decor!