I developed this project by accident. I was in my local Goodwill with a specific project idea in mind, and headed to the shelf in Housewares where I thought I could find what I needed. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Goodwill had secretly moved things around and put their selection of baskets in that spot instead! And from that sea of beige, this little white basket all but jumped out at me! I couldn’t help but see it as a Halloween candy basket, so I snatched it up.
Halloween Door Hanger from a Wicker Paper Plate Holder

On a recent trip to Goodwill, I noticed one wicker paper plate holder after another. You know the kind I’m talking about? The paper plate holders that were once found in nearly every kitchen back in the day. Well, apparently they’re all getting donated to the thrift store! I knew I needed to come up with an upcycling idea for them, and a Halloween door hanger seemed like a great place to start.
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