For several years, I’ve wanted to upcycle some of the Reader’s Digest books that I often see at the thrifts. The ones from the ’50s and ’60s have these gorgeous patterned covers that are little works of art. So, I finally put a few to good use as book decor by pairing them up with some old photographs.Read more ›
Farmhouse Bookends and Architectural Salvage

When I spotted this pair of wood bookends at the thrift store, I grabbed them right away. They were just heavy enough to scream “well-made” to me, and were blank slates for an upcycling idea. I envisioned them paired with architectural salvage to create some farmhouse bookends.Read more ›
Repurposing Old Jewelry as Ribbon Bookmarks

Unlike most people, I still read regular books (as opposed to the Kindle/Nook route). Hopefully I’m not the last person on Earth reading…brick and mortar(?) books. Which means, I am always in the market for bookmarks so that I don’t dog ear the pages. Anyway, I decided that turning some of broken jewelry into ribbon bookmarks would be fun to do.Read more ›