Let’s face it- most gardeners don’t actually need to use some sort of garden markers or plant labels in their garden. They know what they planted and plant tags seem a little unnecessary. But, there are tons of upcycling crafts for various garden markers and they look AWFULLY cute in your garden! Read more ›
DIY Garden Signs from Grill Forks

Ok- I will fully admit that this is a truly zany idea of mine! There I was at the thrift store, looking for inspiration on the shelves. I was going to move aside this grill fork when it dawned on me that the barbecue fork could BE the inspiration I was looking for. What if I transformed it as part of some DIY garden signs? In other words, what if I used it as a stake instead of for steak?Read more ›
DIY Plant Markers from Vintage Shoe Trees

After successfully sowing herb seeds in thrifted muffin tins and then transplanting the seedlings into larger pots displayed on a vertical shower caddy, I’m wrapping up my three-part Upcycled Herb Garden series today! And what, pray tell, could my third part be about? Well, I’m upcycling some vintage shoe trees into DIY plant markers!Read more ›