Like many folks out there, our garage regularly suffers from a lack of organization. We both suffer from a “we’ll put it back later” mentality when it comes to replacing tools and such, instead leaving things strewn about haphazardly for way too long. But I recently had to buy a second trowel because I simply could not find our original one, which is when I knew it was time for a garden tool organizer. An organizer or hanger that I would actually use time and time again.Read more ›
Hardware Organizer from a Tupperware Veggie Tray

This upcycling idea has been rattling around in my head for nearly a year now, but up until recently, I wasn’t sure how to fully execute it. You see, I have coveted a hardware organizer for a while now. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? One of those spinning organizers for small parts or nuts and bolts that you would find in a General Store? Anyway, I couldn’t pull the trigger on an authentic one (too pricey) and I didn’t want to purchase a reproduction (like this one below). Read more ›
DIY Clipboard and Garage Wall Organizer

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a TERRIBLE habit of losing my gardening gloves. After some yard work, I’d come into the garage, rip off my gloves, and fling them wherever I could before going inside. It has led to countless trips to the hardware store to buy new gloves – wasteful in money, time, and well…gloves! So, it seemed high time that I create a DIY clipboard or a garage wall organizer that would be specifically dedicated to work gloves!