I recently went on a thrifting adventure in Spartanburg, SC- a town not too far from where I live (and where I was recently interviewed for their local paper!). And let me tell you, the thrifting angels were singing from above. I found future project after future project, driving home with a car load of fun finds. And one of those finds was a vintage condiment caddy.Read more ›
Upcycling an Old Washboard into a Chicken Wire Frame

Whenever I stumble upon an antiques mall that has a “Clearance Section” I am like a heat-seeking missile with one goal in mind: to find a broken vintage treasure (on the cheap!) to become my next repurposing project. And so, when my eyes fell upon this old washboard that was missing the actual washboard, I knew it was a moment of crafting kismet. It seemed destined for upcycling and would be perfect as primitive decor.Read more ›
Tabletop Version of a Vintage Library Card Catalog

On one of my typical thrifting adventures, I spied this mini chest of drawers near the cash register at the thrift shop. I didn’t really fancy the painted fruit “still life” that covered it, but I WAS curious about the wood underneath the paint. The idea of a “makeunder” floated through my mind as I envisioned a vintage library card catalog as the end result.
Repurposing a Small Footstool with a Wooden Cutting Board

I don’t buy much thrift store furniture for upcycling projects, simply because I usually repurpose small items from the housewares section. But I couldn’t pass up this small footstool that I saw the other day. Its rush seat was unraveling, but I could tell it had good bones and was a nice piece of primitive furniture. So, I decided to try my hand at repurposing it.Read more ›
Faking the Look of Grain Sack Fabric for DIY Lavender Sachets

Grain sacks are a wonderful trend if you ask me. From their faded graphics to the texture of the fabric, I just can’t get enough of them. But cutting into grain sack fabric for upcycling crafts seems almost sacrilegious, doesn’t it? I wanted to create some DIY lavender sachets that looked like grain sack but not actually with grain sack fabric.Read more ›
Farmhouse Coffee Sign from a Cutting Board

Now that cooler weather is approaching (hurray!), I thought a coffee-themed project would be wonderfully seasonal. Both my husband and I love coffee, so I decided to make a farmhouse coffee sign for our kitchen.Read more ›