I recently went on a thrifting adventure in Spartanburg, SC- a town not too far from where I live (and where I was recently interviewed for their local paper!). And let me tell you, the thrifting angels were singing from above. I found future project after future project, driving home with a car load of fun finds. And one of those finds was a vintage condiment caddy.Read more ›
Galvanized Bucket Planter with an Old Faucet
April 17, 2014 · By · 41 Comments

I first noticed bucket and faucet planters at a high-end garden shop while on a shopping trip years ago. As charming as it was, though, the price was a little steep. I had a sneaking suspicion, however, that I could recreate the same look with a galvanized bucket and an old faucet. Read more ›