I struck thrifter’s gold the other day (or, more like thrifter’s silver) when I spotted a wire bread basket on the Goodwill shelves. In fact, I spotted SEVERAL wire bread baskets. They were perfectly tarnished (i.e., patina!) and in need of a new purpose in life. As I studied the collection of wire baskets, I pondered the idea of transforming them in various ways.
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Repurposing a Small Footstool with a Wooden Cutting Board

I don’t buy much thrift store furniture for upcycling projects, simply because I usually repurpose small items from the housewares section. But I couldn’t pass up this small footstool that I saw the other day. Its rush seat was unraveling, but I could tell it had good bones and was a nice piece of primitive furniture. So, I decided to try my hand at repurposing it.Read more ›
Farmhouse Coffee Sign from a Cutting Board

Now that cooler weather is approaching (hurray!), I thought a coffee-themed project would be wonderfully seasonal. Both my husband and I love coffee, so I decided to make a farmhouse coffee sign for our kitchen.Read more ›
Farmhouse Tray from a Cutting Board

With the holidays on my mind, I wanted to create something decorative but also functional for entertaining guests. But I’m not too keen on spending a lot of money right before Christmas. I spied this over-the-sink cutting board on the shelf during a recent thrifting adventure. And I knew it had a LOT of potential to become a farmhouse tray.Read more ›