I have to admit, I never really jumped on the “Signs for all things” decorating bandwagon. Live, laugh, love was something we naturally did- not advertised in our house. But…but…I have made exceptions during autumn and upcycled a few Fall signs along the way.Read more ›
Fall Decor Ideas and Projects

Fall is one of the most popular seasons. The mild weather and the natural wonder of changing leaves make it a favorite time of year for many people. As a result, decorating our homes with fall décor is an annual trendy pastime.Read more ›
Pumpkin Basket for Fall Decor

Truth be told, I didn’t know that this kind of small wooden basket was called a Clam Hod when I first spotted it. All I knew was that I spotted a certain shape that I could tease out and turn it into a pumpkin basket. After buying it and bringing it home, I figured out its name (i.e., clam hod) (with a little help from my friend, Maliasmark).Read more ›
35+ Upcycling Projects for Fall Wreath Ideas

Once the calendar flips over to a new year, I start the “Countdown to Fall” clock in my head. Honest to goodness, I spend all year looking forward to the first cool day after a hot summer. And once that day arrives, I can’t wait to welcome it on my front door. So, I decided to gather some of my favorite upcycling projects for autumn and fall wreath ideas.Read more ›
40+ Upcycling Projects for Fall

Every year, I look forward to the “-ber” months (i.e., September-December) for an abundance of reasons. Certainly the end-of-year holidays are wonderful, but more importantly, I simply love Fall. And there are an endless number of easy upcycling projects for Fall home decor to get you in the autumn mood.Read more ›
Alcohol Ink Paint on Glass Pumpkins

Every now and then, I choose to work on a project based on a crafting technique, as opposed to a really unique upcycling idea. And this, my friends, is one of those projects! You see, I’d been looking for a way to try out alcohol ink or alcohol paint for a long time. And I decided that trying out alcohol ink paint on glass pumpkins (or other round glass) might result in some gorgeous fall decor.Read more ›
Liquor Bottle Painting for Fall Pumpkin Decor

After our junkin’ journey trip to Louisville, we came home with several interesting bottles of bourbon. And normally, that wouldn’t be a big deal…but as you may recall, we can no longer recycle glass in our county. So, I’m once again tasked with coming up with ways to recycle glass into projects. And this time, I decided to do some liquor bottle painting and transform them into Fall pumpkin decor.
Plaid Ribbon from an Upcycled Shirt

When you can’t find the craft product you need (or are dreaming of), you sometimes have to make your own. And that’s what happened when I was working on an harvest wreath and I couldn’t find any plaid ribbon. So, I started to mull over the idea of making my own wired ribbon with an upcycled shirt.Read more ›
Wooden Pumpkin Decor and Trinket Box

Somewhere in my Pinterest meanderings, I stumbled across a trinket box that had been made by upcycling a pair of round bowls and painted to look like Earth. I knew I wanted to do something similar but as wooden pumpkin decor instead of Planet Earth. I just needed the right set of vintage salad bowls. And then one day, there they were, staring me in the face from the Goodwill shelf.Read more ›