Truth be told, I didn’t know that this kind of small wooden basket was called a Clam Hod when I first spotted it. All I knew was that I spotted a certain shape that I could tease out and turn it into a pumpkin basket. After buying it and bringing it home, I figured out its name (i.e., clam hod) (with a little help from my friend, Maliasmark).Read more ›
Decorating for Fall with Amber Glass Bottles

I’ve been an avid collector of antique bottles for many years now. But in all those years of hunting down my collection, I never once picked up any amber glass bottles. My eyes went straight for the aqua and green bottles, and now I’m kicking myself for passing them by. Because they are positively PERFECT to use in fall decorating. Read more ›
Fall Leaves Decor on an Autumn Sign

Like most people, I adore the colors of fall leaves. But even more specifically, I love leaves that are “mid-change”. The ones that showcase a gradient of colors in green, yellow, orange, and red. So, I decided that I really wanted to try to capture that magical transition by creating some fall leaves decor to showcase the change.Read more ›
Cake Dome for Fall Party Decor

Even though I am busy-busy-busy working on projects for my book, I couldn’t let the season go by without making at least one pumpkin project! And for this one, I went “garage shopping”, and came across this set of wooden bowls. I set aside the smaller ones for my book, and decided that the large wooden bowl might be perfect as a cake dome (and pumpkin centerpiece).Read more ›
Fall Apple Decor from Monkey Pod Bowls

Even though I had already upcycled some monkey pod wood once before, I decided that thrifting fate was telling me to do it again. You see, I came across these monkey pod bowls twice over the course of a few weeks. And, well– that’s a rarity for most thrift store “smalls”! After I saw them the second time, I decided they kind of looked like Fall apples, or rather, they could look like apple decor. Read more ›
35+ Upcycling Projects for Fall Wreath Ideas

Once the calendar flips over to a new year, I start the “Countdown to Fall” clock in my head. Honest to goodness, I spend all year looking forward to the first cool day after a hot summer. And once that day arrives, I can’t wait to welcome it on my front door. So, I decided to gather some of my favorite upcycling projects for autumn and fall wreath ideas.Read more ›
Acorn Decorations from Tweed Jackets

While putting together a collection of Upcycled Fall Decor projects for a blog post, I ran across this oversized acorn decor project that I just fell in love with. It’s not my originally idea (important for me to point out), BUT I wanted to create my own version of acorn decorations. Of course, not just any fabric would do, though. I wanted to make them with a tweed sport coat.Read more ›
40+ Upcycling Projects for Fall

Every year, I look forward to the “-ber” months (i.e., September-December) for an abundance of reasons. Certainly the end-of-year holidays are wonderful, but more importantly, I simply love Fall. And there are an endless number of easy upcycling projects for Fall home decor to get you in the autumn mood.Read more ›
Pumpkin Patch Sign from a Wooden Paper Plate Holder

I’ll be honest with you- a wooden paper plate holder was not something I grew up with. Paper plates, yes, but designated wooden holders for them? Nope, not at all. There wasn’t much primitive country decor in my childhood home, so that’s probably why. Fast forward to my days as an upcycling blogger, though, and I couldn’t snap this one up fast enough! Because I had an upcycling idea to transform it into a pumpkin patch sign for Fall.Read more ›
Fabric Covered Books for Cozy Home Decor

I think it’s high time I create another flannel project, don’t you? The weather is finally feeling like Fall and I am craving all the cozy plaid. And today’s project also has a special twist: All of my project materials came from thrift stores that benefit an animal-based charity! And to get in a cozy frame of mind, I decided to create some fabric covered books with flannel shirts.