Here I am again, pulling out a project from the Sadie Archives. You see, this skull art I made with a thrifted embroidery hoop and some vintage buttons never made it onto my blog. It dates back to 2014 and it’s taken me nearly 10 years to dig it back out for publishing.Read more ›
Embroidery Hoop Craft with Christmas Wreath Material

While I’ve upcycled embroidery hoops in the past, I’d never made a wreath with one. That is, until I spotted a large embroidery hoop at Goodwill. It just *looked* like a giant ornament to me. And I wondered if I could fill it with Christmas wreath material to look like an oversized ornament wreath.Read more ›
DIY Suncatchers from Vintage Scarves

Back when I made my Aromatherapy Eye Pillows from vintage scarves, I had mentioned that my good friend, Kate DiNatale Vintage, had given me a bag of vintage scarves that she couldn’t sell. As I pawed through them, I noticed that some of them reminded me of faux stained glass. So, I decided to upcycle them into DIY suncatchers for windows that I hoped would stop birds from flying into our windows.Read more ›