Let’s be honest- a lot of “recycled crafts” that use items from the trash can or recycle bin are geared toward kids. And while that’s perfectly fine, of course, I prefer recycling ideas and crafts that are more appealing to adults. Especially if they turn out beautifully enough to display at home. So, in honor of Earth Day this year, I thought I’d collect my favorite recycling ideas and Earth Day crafts that don’t look like they started as waste.Read more ›
Fairy Garden Furniture from the Junk Drawer

A reader recently asked (on my Facebook page) if I had ever upcycled a pizza saver. You know, those little plastic pieces that keep a pizza box from caving in on the toppings. And I instantly remembered a VERY old blog post that I had put together in 2014 (but never published) on fairy garden furniture that I made using household junk.Read more ›
Recycled Crafts from Your Trash Can and Recycling Bin

Our recycling bins and trash cans are full of potential when it comes to recycled crafts. When I wrote this in 2020, most of us were stuck at home and in need of activities to keep us occupied. So, I put together this fun collection of craft ideas from waste materials; some of them come from the recyclables, and others from stuff we’d throw away.
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Clever Ways to Use Food Waste and Kitchen Scraps

I almost exclusively blog about upcycling and/or buying secondhand. But, I yearn to expand my knowledge of related ways to be a smart consumer and reduce waste. Mindful consuming, upcycling / secondhand shopping, and looking for ways to reduce waste all fall under the same umbrella. And every time I hear about how much food is wasted in the USA (and elsewhere, I’m sure), I just feel so discouraged. So, I thought it would be beneficial if I did some research into food waste solutions for my own kitchen.Read more ›
Recycled Tote Bag from a Framed Cross Stitch

Framed cross stitch pieces are something I see at thrift stores all the time. And while there are modern versions of cross stitch that have become very popular (with sassy sayings), the older ones seem to get tossed in the donation pile. When I found this 1980s-era country cross stitch, I immediately thought that it would look SO CUTE as a recycled tote bag for grocery (or farmer’s market) shopping.Read more ›