Even though I’ve made repurposed drawer sachets once before, I had this spark of an idea and I simply had to share it with you. If you’ve been looking for ideas for DIY gifts for him (Father’s Day, Christmas, etc.) then these drawer sachets are JUST what you’ve been waiting for. In other words, “Shirt Pocket Sachets”.Read more ›
Drawer Sachets from Shirt Pockets

Categorized: Create, Sewing · Tagged: DIY Father's Day, DIY Father's Day Gift, DIY Father's Day present, DIY Gift for Father's Day, DIY sachet, DIY sewing, easy sewing, Father's Day, father's day craft, father's day DIY gift, father's day gift, Father's Day present, gift for guy, Gift ideas for guys, guy gift, repurpose shirt, sachet, sachets, shirt repurpose, upcycle sewing, upcycle shirt, upcycle shirt pocket