Using unique and unexpected items as planters is always in style at this time of year. Whether it comes from a flea market, a thrift store, or the storage shed out back, I always ask the same question: What can I plant in this? And if you’re on the hunt for some inspiration for a few planters with personality, then you’ve come to the right place.Read more ›
Outdoor Planters That Enhance Your Space

Regarding outdoor planters, one has many choices for a suitable vessel. First, consider what colors compliment your existing decor.
What functionality are you looking for? You may need something to hang on a vertical wall or rest on the floor or a plant stand. Do you want something that suspends from the ceiling, such as a macramé hanger?
Some people like weird and unusual ideas for their yards. Are you an environmentalist who prefers reusing items instead of buying new planters? Continue reading to learn more about what might work best for you and your plants.Read more ›
Upcycling a Coffee Canister with Cork Fabric

After recently spotting a West Elm ad for some “crushed soda can vases”, I was inspired to turn to my recycling bin for a new project. It seemed like good timing, with Earth Day right around the corner. So, I grabbed a coffee canister from our bin of “recyclables that can’t be recycled here” and put my thinking cap on.Read more ›
Floor Magazine Rack as a Repurposed Planter

It’s that time of year again, when everything I see at thrift stores becomes a planter in my mind. That’s definitely what happened when I spotted this floor magazine rack at one of the Charlotte Region ReStores. It immediately screamed “MAKE ME A PLANTER”, and who was I to argue?Read more ›
Upcycling a Straw Tote as a Halloween Planter

Sometimes I go to the thrift store and come away empty-handed, bummed out, and treasure-less. But then there are those magical times when I walk in and immediately have a “near-craft experience”. And by that, I mean I spot a thrifty treasure and know what I plan to do with it…immediately! That’s what happened when I spotted this straw tote and knew it was destined to become a Halloween planter.
Hanging Herb Baskets from Lampshade Frames

Lampshades are a pretty common item at thrift stores, in every size and shape you can imagine. So, I felt a compelling need to come up with an upcycling idea for them, starting with these small lamp shades that I found at Goodwill. I had this niggling feeling that lampshade frames could be repurposed into herb hanging baskets for a vertical herb planter.
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Dutch Wooden Clogs as Upcycled Planters

I’ve had a quiet fascination with all things Dutch for most of my life. Between the tulips and the windmills and summering near Holland, Michigan, I suppose it couldn’t be avoided. I also had my own pair of Dutch wooden clogs, and while I no longer have them, I still wanted to turn some into upcycled planters for our front porch.Read more ›
Enamel Colander as a Hanging Porch Planter

I don’t know about y’all, but I am a sucker for vintage kitchen goodies- utensils, hand towels, salt-and-pepper shakers, you name it! And when we bought our house last summer, the front porch had a hook in the ceiling, just begging for a hanging porch planter. It was the perfect place for me to try my hand at upcycling an enamel colander into a planter and front porch decor.
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