I always have to check out the selection of cabinet doors whenever I’m in a Habitat ReStore. I can typically resist grabbing anything from the pile of usually-plain doors. But on this particular day, there was a bevy of intriguing blue and white doors for the taking. They had a very nautical look and I decided to transform one into a pirate sign to use as nautical wall decor.Read more ›
Making a First Aid Cabinet for the Garage

Ok- so, in the interest of full disclosure, I fully intended this project to be my Product Test Drive post for this month. BUT, things didn’t exactly go as planned. So, I’m putting that product “on ice”…which has a double meaning. Why? Because my plans for this wooden medicine cabinet were to transform it into a first aid cabinet for the garageRead more ›
Bottle Cap Coasters from Tartlet Tins

Last Fall, the Mr. and I were perusing the shelves at a local craft beer store when I spotted a display of bottle cap coasters. I chuckled to myself because I thought it was a cute idea. But, as I walked on by, I had a “Wait a second!” moment. Read more ›
Domino Clock as Playroom Wall Decor

My husband, Jon, is a game guy- computer games, board games, card games. To combine my love of vintage with his love of games, our home office is decorated with old wooden game boards from the 1930s-1950s. They make for great wall decor and it’s been a fun challenge to hunt them down. So, I decided to build him a domino clock to hang alongside the vintage games.Read more ›