As a general rule, bangles don’t usually fit me very well. My wrists are, quite literally, the only dainty part of my body. Which means, the average bangle bracelet just won’t stay on. I took a chance and tried on these plastic bangles from the thrift store and was blown away at how well they fit! I didn’t care much for their appearance, but I knew I could transform them into fabric bracelets that would look more my style.Read more ›
Book Necklace from Old Book Pages

Two facts you should know about me: (1) I love old books, and (2) I love miniature ANYTHING. My bibliophile tendencies date way back…in fact, I’m pretty sure it’s a genetic affliction. And now that I think about it, my obsessions with all things dainty is just as genetic. So, why not combine these two loves into some upcycled jewelry in the form of a book necklace?Read more ›
Steampunk Necklace from a Vintage Pulley

When I found these vintage pulleys at an antiques store in, I knew right away they were meant to be used in jewelry making. I had a vision in my mind of a steampunk necklace, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually make it happen. Read more ›
Spoon Jewelry with Vintage Cameos

Once upon a time, I was on one of my junkin’ journeys when I came across an amazing selection of vintage cameos. They were “new old stock”, meaning they had never been used and were begging to be used in a jewelry project. Read more ›
Necklace Making with Vintage Wooden Spools and Flour Sack Fabric

I have what you might call a *thing* for vintage wooden spools. And by thing, I mean “mild obsession”, because there are just so many crafting possibilities with them! So, I decided to do some necklace making with them!Read more ›
Make Your Own Necklace with Scarf Material

I am a hardcore scarf person; once the weather cools down, a long flowy number becomes my best friend and go-to accessory. And while I love a vintage scarf, they are often damaged and flawed, making them perfect for upcycling projects. So, I decided to make a chunky necklace with the scarf material from this pretty floral scarf that I recently found.Read more ›
Beach Themed Jewelry from a Vintage Pearl Necklace

The first time I saw my friend, Emily, after she had returned from a trip to France, she was wearing this amazing pearl necklace crafted from linen and pearls. It was positively gorgeous in person and I just fell in love on the spot. But, seeing as I couldn’t just jet off to France and buy one myself, I decided to DIY my own version. Wouldn’t it be a fun project to upcycle a vintage pearl necklace from the thrift store into beach themed jewelry like this?Read more ›