Several years ago, I found this bamboo tray at the Goodwill Bins (aka, the Goodwill Outlet). Even though it wasn’t all that special, I knew it was a blank canvas that I could have fun with- someday. I just didn’t know when that day would come.Read more ›
Outdoor Serving Tray with Boho Summer Style

When it comes to thrifting, I’m usually like a heat-seeking missile when it comes to anything made of wood. But that means that I sometimes miss out on other upcycling opportunities. And when I spotted a ton of silverplate pieces while at Habitat ReStore recently, I decided to grab something from the pile. We’d recently acquired a new patio set from a friend of mine and I thought I could make an outdoor serving tray to use with it.Read more ›
Halloween Coasters with HAZMAT Stickers

The thrift store is a never-ending source of surprises, is it? Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the thrift store throws you yet another curve ball. That’s how I felt when I kept finding rolls and rolls of HAZMAT stickers. They had been scattered across the store, so I turned it into a scavenger hunt to find them all. That’s when I decided that I needed a roll to make some Halloween coasters.Read more ›