Admittedly, DIY coasters are a long-time favorite kind of project for me. They’re small, easy to work on, and make great gifts if you don’t keep them yourself. And since I didn’t have a set of mid-century modern coasters for our new home, I figured it was high time I make some.Read more ›
Making a Snack Set with Vintage Coasters

Time for another project from the “Sadie Archives”! Remember how I’d mentioned (in this previous post) that there was a group of projects that had once appeared on a now-defunct Goodwill blog? And they tended to be simple, straightforward, and easy projects? Well, I’m bringing you another one, and this time, I’m upcycling a set of vintage coasters into a snack set.Read more ›
Decorative Coasters as Upcycled Gifts

Coasters are one of those things that check off a lot of boxes, aren’t they? They’re not overly expensive and serve a pretty important purpose for those of us with furniture that we care about. Decorative coasters are also easy to personalize to your unique tastes AND they fit the mold of a “general gift”. And let’s face it, this is the time of year when “gifts for anyone” can really come in handy.Read more ›
Coastal Coasters

Even though it’s mid-August and all things pumpkin are on my mind, I thought I’d squeeze out another summer-inspired project this year. When I spotted these vintage coasters at the thrift store, I immediately envisioned giving them a beachy makeover. Besides, the idea of using the term “coastal coasters” in a blog post was too cute to pass up.Read more ›
Halloween Coasters with HAZMAT Stickers

The thrift store is a never-ending source of surprises, is it? Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the thrift store throws you yet another curve ball. That’s how I felt when I kept finding rolls and rolls of HAZMAT stickers. They had been scattered across the store, so I turned it into a scavenger hunt to find them all. That’s when I decided that I needed a roll to make some Halloween coasters.Read more ›
Exotic Christmas Ornaments from Florentine Coasters

Vintage Florentine pieces are pretty common at antiques shops- you know what I’m talking about, right? The gold painted pieces like trays, jewelry boxes, etc.? Well, for years I’ve admired Florentine coasters and always secretly thought about turning them into Christmas ornaments. I just couldn’t bear the thought of purchasing a perfectly good, full-priced set and doing that. Read more ›