Last year, I upcycled a coffee mug tree into a tabletop Christmas tree. At the time, I had set aside the remaining “arms” or wood spindles for another project. Well, I’m happy to say that I’m FINALLY upcycling those coffee mug tree arms now. And I’m turning them into wooden spindle ornaments !Read more ›
Chamberstick as a Christmas Candy Dish

Truth be told, I didn’t know the word “chamberstick” before this project and blog post came about. You see, I stumbled up one, and then another chamberstick in the span of a single weekend- at two different thrift stores. I purchased them both thinking that I would figure out a project for these “old time-y candlesticks with handles” (which is what I Googled). Read more ›
Exotic Christmas Ornaments from Florentine Coasters

Vintage Florentine pieces are pretty common at antiques shops- you know what I’m talking about, right? The gold painted pieces like trays, jewelry boxes, etc.? Well, for years I’ve admired Florentine coasters and always secretly thought about turning them into Christmas ornaments. I just couldn’t bear the thought of purchasing a perfectly good, full-priced set and doing that. Read more ›
Nordic Christmas Tree from a Coffee Cup Tree

There I was at the Goodwill Outlet (aka, “The Bins”), staring at a coffee cup tree. It was on top of the pile, likely tossed there by someone who scoffed at its missing arm. But me? I grabbed it…broken treasures are my favorite finds. And this coffee mug holder for a Christmas project. My plan? To transform it into a Nordic Christmas tree for a fun, minimalist change of pace.Read more ›
Plaid Wreath with a Clothespin Bag

A few months back, I found a clothespin bag at a local thrift store. I definitely didn’t NEED it but I couldn’t exactly pass it up, either. Right away, I had this vision of a unique Christmas wreath for my front door. Read more ›
Mason Jar Lid Ornaments with Vintage Christmas Wrapping Paper

A few years ago, I made these DIY Wreath Ornaments using the bands from canning jars after I bought a set of mason jars to use as drinking glasses. I had no intention of making another kind of mason jar lid ornaments, but then thrifting fate intervened. Earlier this year, I came across a bag of canning jar lids, in various sizes, colors, and brands, and I couldn’t bear to leave it behind. Read more ›
Displaying Vintage Christmas Postcards in a Rotating Photo Frame

Back in January of this year, I was thrifting at my local Habitat ReStore and spotted a rotating photo frame that was in excellent condition. I put the frame in my cart and filed away this Christmas idea for a later time…and finally, FINALLY, that time is now. I would use it to display some of my vintage Christmas postcards!Read more ›
Repurposed Ornaments and Christmas Ornament Crafts

As a December 26th baby, I feel a special connection to Christmas- even if a birthday at this time of year is pretty underwhelming. Coupled with my love of repurposing and upcycling, it should come as no surprise to anyone that combining the two (upcycling and Christmas) is something I look forward to each year. And while I haven’t done that many of them, repurposed ornaments using upcycled materials are an exceptional favorite holiday craft.Read more ›
Loose Leaf Tea Strainers as Christmas Ornaments

Over my thrifting and vintage-shopping adventures, I had accumulated a handful of loose lea tea strainers in different shapes and sizes. For whatever reason, I couldn’t stop buying them, especially when I’d spot one that was yet a different shape.Read more ›
Christmas Craft Project with Serger Thread Cones

If you live in or have traveled to the Carolinas, then you may know that this area has a long history in textiles. The mills still dot the landscape, with one in nearly every town. Some are dilapidated, some just empty, and some of have been converted into new commercial/residential use. Relics of that textile mill history (such as serger thread cones) are found in nearly every antique and thrift store in the region.Read more ›