This, my friends, is a non-thrift store craft project, which I rarely ever do. But I have a very good reason for it. You see, I’ve partnered up with Upcycle Arts, the Creative Reuse organization here in Charlotte, NC. They happened to have a huge stockpile of donated clothespins and asked me to create a project with them. And with Christmas looming ahead, I decided to make some wooden snowflake ornaments with them.Read more ›
Upcycling Jewelry into Wine Glass Charms

One of my very first blog posts was making these upcycled wine charms. At the time, I had been given some vintage Cracker Jack prizes that I repurposed for the blog post. But because it had been so long since I made them, I decided to make a new set of wine glass charms. And this time I’d do so by upcycling jewelry instead.Read more ›
Steampunk Necklace from a Vintage Pulley

When I found these vintage pulleys at an antiques store in, I knew right away they were meant to be used in jewelry making. I had a vision in my mind of a steampunk necklace, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually make it happen. Read more ›